
Heaven on Earth

For two millennia, faithful followers of Jesus have prayed the words that He taught His disciples: “May Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” But have we paused to think through what it means? The phrase sounds holy and optimistic. And impossible. Just look at everything that’s happening today. Our world does not always look much like heaven. 

We’ve all read about cults and religious sects that sequester themselves from society to live in a perfect, heaven-like state during human existence. They don’t succeed. Invariably, reports of physical or sexual abuse emerge. Idolatrous leaders establish zombie-like followers. Often violence ensues. Humans are not capable of recreating heaven here. We don’t even know where to begin. 

But maybe that’s not what “heaven on earth” means. Perhaps we aren’t supposed to build heaven. Maybe we’re supposed to live it. But how do we live like we’re in heaven when we clearly are not?

Jesus inserts this special phrase “on earth as it is in heaven” into his prayer that He teaches to His disciples, which has been memorized and repeated for thousands of years under the title “The Lord’s Prayer.” By giving his audience a template for prayer, he calls them to personal communication with God. 

Bringing heaven to earth begins with the gospel. He proved His passion for us through the incarnation of Jesus—God sent heaven to earth as a baby.

This is the mystery of the incarnation. John writes, “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14). 

Did you know that you can see heaven on earth? No, I’ve never had a near-death experience. I’ve never seen a bright light at the end of a tunnel, never seen my body from above, and will never write a best-selling book about my experiences in heaven.

But I don’t need to go to heaven to understand what it’s like. I can already see heaven on earth; you can, too, if you know where to look.

Greg Rakozy

As followers of Jesus, we have the opportunity to deliver the gospel—not through the continual birth of Jesus—but through the rebirths of human beings when they receive the salvation won for them through Christ. Everyone who believes in Jesus becomes a “little Christ,” the true meaning of the word “Christian.” 

When a person places their faith in Christ, that is a taste of heaven on earth. We are getting a tiny glimpse, a small sample, of God’s massive redemptive work that will be on full display in heaven. Heaven will be a glorious, huge, raucously joyful gathering of men and women who the blood of Christ has purchased.

That would mean that you are also a little bit of heaven here on earth. In you dwells the spirit of Christ. In you, the Father continues to work his will. In you, the King reigns and is making all things new.

So, when I pray, “thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” I am praying for more people like you. May the Holy Spirit make it so.


Please Pray:  for God’s people in South Florida as we continue to pray for God’s kingdom and will to be present here where we are.

Please Pray For: the lost who are near us

Please Pray:  for Terri, as she travels over the next month.

Please Pray For: Kathy Duitsman, who has breast cancer.

Please Pray For: Joshua Recker, whose tumors have continued to grow rapidly.

Please Pray For: Maxine as she prepares to give birth after several miscarriages.

Please Pray For: those who serve in this place as they enthusiastically tackle diverse ministries such as the altar guild, food pantry and serving our local school.

Please Pray For: Julie who is battling brain cancer and 4 additional tumors.

Please Pray For: Martia Thomas who is being treated for bone cancer.

Please Pray For: for William Isso, that God would Strengthen him.

Please Thank God For: The health of all the other congregations that worship in our facilities.

Please Pray For: Tom Sheba who is on a ventilator.

Please Pray For: Joe and his struggles with addiction

Please Pray For: Those who struggle with housing needs.

Please Thank God For: all those who are out of work.