

In the Scriptures, the Baptism of Jesus is a pivotal event that marks the beginning of His public ministry and holds profound theological significance. This event is recorded in all four Gospels (Matthew 3:13–17, Mark 1:9–11, Luke 3:21–22, and John 1:29–34), offering a glimpse into the humility, obedience, and divine affirmation of the Son of God.

The scene is set along the banks of the Jordan River, where Jesus arrives to be baptized by John the Baptist. John’s Baptism is a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins, and some may wonder why Jesus, who was sinless, would seek this rite. His choice to be baptized is an act of humility and identification with humanity.

John’s Baptism of Jesus unsettled Christians from the very beginning. As modern-day disciples do, they wondered why one who “knew no sin” received a baptism, indicating a repentance of sin.

John’s Baptism was one of repentance. Why did the sinless Son of God need to repentance? John’s Baptism was for forgiveness of sin. Why did the sinless Son of God need forgiveness? John was the lesser; Jesus the greater. John’s Baptism was with water; Jesus’ Baptism was with the Holy Spirit and fire. 

But in the Baptism of our Lord, the greater is baptized by the lesser, and the sinless is treated like a sinner. If we can comprehend this, we have comprehended the Gospel.

  • His work begins in the water; it ends on the cross. 

  • It begins with the Spirit descending, the voice of the Father testifying; it ends with the Spirit departing, the voice of the Father silent. 

  • His work begins where He stands in solidarity with sinners, elbow to elbow in the same bath water as prostitutes, tax collectors, and all manner of religious rejects; His work ends on the cross where He hangs in solidarity with thieves, promising the faithful one Paradise. 

  • His work begins with water and ends with water and blood flowing from His side. 

  • At His Baptism, the heavens are opened to Him; at His cross, the heavens are opened to sinners.

We see the torso of a woman as she plunges backward into water.

As with Jesus’ Baptism, so to yours. The heavens were opened to Jesus that day. In fact, they were torn open, according to the text. Heaven was opened to you in Baptism because you were declared justified, and your sins washed away by His blood for Jesus’ sake. 

That day, the Spirit descended upon Jesus in the form of a dove. The Spirit also descended upon you in Baptism, revealed by God’s Word, marking you as a child of God. You were sealed that day into God’s family with the mark of the cross, which you trace on yourself whenever you make the sign of the cross.

The voice of the Father revealed Jesus to the world as the Son: “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” Of course, the Father also speaks through our Baptism, declaring you to be His child and how pleased He is with you.

In Jesus’ Baptism, He joined us in solidarity — joining in our sin and death. In our Baptism, we participate with Jesus — in His life, death, and resurrection.

No wonder Luther calls us to “Remember our Baptism daily.” 


Please Pray For: local family down the street. Dad shot and killed mom with their twin 5-year-olds in the car. Dad has been arrested.

Please Pray For: the family of Joshua Recker, as he left his struggles behind him and went to be with the Lord.

Please Pray For: the family of Joshua Gassett, who took his own life.

Please Pray For: Bob and Joyce. Bob has returned to the hospital.

Please Pray For: Jack Williams, who was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis.

Please Thank God For: for Kathy, who received the organs she has been waiting for.

Please Pray For: Geri Nay, who is losing her struggle with cancer.

Please Pray For: Mary, who has developed invasive melanoma. She is waiting for surgery.

Please Pray For: Kathy Duitsman, who has breast cancer.

Please Thank God For: Julie, who is growing weaker as her cancer progresses.

Please Pray For: Joy, who is receiving chemo treatments.

Please Pray For: Leela Izzo, that God would strengthen and heal her.

Please Pray For: Joe and his struggles with addiction.

Please Pray For: Those who struggle with housing needs.

Please pray For: all those who are out of work.