Deliver Me

The request that God would “deliver us from evil” is recorded in Matthew 6:13. The Lord’s Prayer is also found in Luke 11:2–4, but Luke doesn’t include this final request for deliverance. The word for “evil” is translated differently in different versions. Some versions, like the ESV or the KJV, translate the word as “evil,” while others, like the NIV, translate it as “the evil one.” The Greek word is literally translated as “the evil.” That, for me, leaves it both specific and yet not. Because of the use of the word “the,” many scholars believe that “the evil” is the devil.

The phrase, “Deliver us from evil,” is no doubt included, in part, in Jesus’ model prayer because we can’t resist the devil by ourselves. We have been delivered from the eternal penalty of sin (Romans 8:1), but the battle against sin and the devil lies before us every day. When we pray, “deliver us from evil,” we recognize our limited abilities and ask God to step in and help us.

Deliver Us

 So how does Jesus ask the Father to deliver us? Compare the prayer in John 17 to the Lord’s Prayer. John 17:15: “I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one.” And then Verse 17 says, “Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.” It seems God shields us from the evil one through his word of truth.


Another way God keeps us from evil is found in Hebrews 3:13: “Exhort one another every day, as long as it is called ‘today,’ that the deceitfulness of sin may harden none of you.” How are we delivered? We are delivered through the church and our honest relationships with others. Exhort one another every day, lest you be deceived.

See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil

 So when Jesus prayed, “Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil,” The Holy Spirit delivers us from evil as He calls us with the gospel and gathers us with other believers into the church while He enlightens and sanctifies us with his truth.


But what of our responsibility? We can pray for help to overcome temptation and sin. We can also pray that we will not be put in positions where we will face severe temptation. A man who struggles with alcohol should avoid places where alcohol is served, but he should also pray that he will not encounter any unexpected invitations to drink during the course of his day. Someone who struggles with issues of lust could and should avoid places and activities that would lead them astray, but he can also pray that situations beyond his control do not present themselves to him.


This request that we would be delivered from “the evil” has its counterpart in the promise and command in James 4:8: “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” This follows immediately after “submit yourselves to God.” We would not last very long if we faced the devil in our own power. We resist temptation, avoid sin, and defeat the devil by consciously relying on God’s power. In the same way that we need to ask for “daily bread” for our physical needs, we ask for “daily deliverance” for our spiritual needs. God is faithful and hears our call. Evil shall have no power over you. Keep praying.


Please Thank God For: Leah’s upcoming quinceanera.

Please Pray:  for Kathy who is waiting for an organ donation

Please Thank God For: That Keith has found a new job

Please Pray:  for Melissa Davis and her two young children who were recently evicted from their apartment.

Please Pray:  for Joey Diaz whose home caught fire recently. We thank God that no lives were lost.

Please Pray:  for Sandy and a quick recovery from surgery.

Please Pray:  All those who have been in the path of fires and storms on the west coast and in Hawaii. May God grant safety and peace.

Please Pray For: Chris, and all those who struggle to forgive someone.

Please Pray:  Which classroom “wins our support” in their fall raffle in two weeks. Pray also that we would be faithful throughout the school year in our support and encouragement to teachers, aides, students and families.

Please Pray For: all the kids and teachers who are returning to school

Please Pray For: the lost who are near us

Please Pray For: Kathy Duitsman, who has breast cancer.

Please Pray For: Lela Izzo, who has a broken hip.

Please Pray For: those who serve in this place as they enthusiastically tackle diverse ministries such as the altar guild, food pantry and serving our local school.

Please Pray For: Julie who is battling brain cancer and 4 additional tumors.

Please Pray For: Joy who is receiving chemo treatments

Please Pray For: for those who are facing financial difficulties. Father, guide them in their search for employment and grant them the wisdom and resources they need to overcome their challenges.

Please Pray For: Keith and Kim, as they continue to seek God’s will

Please Pray For: for William Izzo, that God would Strengthen him.

Please Thank God For: The health of all the other congregations that worship in our facilities.

Please Pray For: Tom Sheba who is on a ventilator.

Please Pray For: Joe and his struggles with addiction

Please Pray For: Those who struggle with housing needs.

Please pray For: all those who are out of work.

Please Pray For: Joshua who has been moved to palliative care. Pray for peace and a knowledge of God’s mercy for him and those gathered around him in these final days.