Hallowed is His Name

“For he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name.” (Luke 1:49)


I taught my kids to say the Lord’s Prayer when they were very young. As I introduced a line, I would explain its meaning so they would know what they were saying. “Our Father, who art in heaven,” turned out well. But then we got to the peculiar phrase, “Hallowed be thy name,” and things took a turn. The next day, I had one of them repeat what they had learned. “Our Father, who art in heaven,” he began, “Hollywood be my name!” That’s not quite the meaning, but it’s a reasonable guess for a four-year-old with a zealous father.


To hallow something is to make it holy, separate it, or sanctify it. Jesus taught His followers to pray that God the Father would “hallow” His name. Significantly, this request comes first. It is of primary importance for God to hallow His name.


How is God’s name hallowed in heaven? Angelic creatures cry out, “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory” (Isa 6:3). The worship in heaven never ends: “Day and night they never cease to say, ‘Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!’ ” (Rev 4:8). Every creature in heaven joins in saying: “To Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever!” (Rev 5:13). That’s the scene in heaven. God’s name is honored and adored in unceasing worship.


What about the scene on earth? Listen to what God says through the prophet Isaiah, “continually all the day my name is despised” (Isaiah 52:5). The scene on earth could not be more different from the scene in heaven. In heaven, God’s name is honored as the angels worship without ceasing. On earth, God’s name is despised, and blasphemed all day long. 


And into that chasm, we pray the first petition of the Lord’s Prayer. To pray ‘hallowed be Your name’ means to ask God to let His name be worshipped, exalted, honored, and adored on earth as it is in heaven. It is to ask God to move and act in the world so that people will worship and treasure Him above all else. 


When Christ returns in power and glory, God’s name will be hallowed, honored, glorified, and exalted.

“The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.” (Hab 2:14)


This world will be the home of righteousness. Never again will God’s name be blasphemed in word or deed. God’s name will be honored on earth as it is in heaven, and all of God’s people will love Him and adore Him forever. Lord hasten that day!


But how can this prayer be answered here and now in this world that despises God’s name? What is God’s answer to His name being blasphemed all day long? God tells us the answer:

… continually all the day my name is despised. Therefore my people shall know my name. (Isa 52:5-6)


God’s answer to a world that despises His name is a people who know His name.


‘Hallowed be Your name’ is not a prayer for a change in God but for a change in us. More specifically, I am praying for a change in me. God does not need to make Himself more holy. His holiness is already infinite, perfect, and complete. I pray that God’s name will be made holy in my life. That the Father’s name would be hallowed in me, I pray, “Our Father, who is in heaven, hallowed be your name ... .”


Please thank God For: Leela who was able to come to worship after a long hiatus due to illness. We thank God for her spirit.

Please Pray For: Sunshine Elementary, their principal and staff as we continue develop a new relationship with them

Please Pray:  for Terri, as she travels over the next month

Please Pray For: Kathy Duitsman, who has breast cancer

Please Pray For: Joshua Recker, whose tumors have continued to grow rapidly

Please Pray For: Maxine as she prepares to give birth after several miscarriages

Please Pray For: Marion who fell, as she continues her treatment in a rehab center

Please Pray For: Julie who is battling brain cancer and 4 additional tumors

Please Pray For: Martia Thomas who is being treated for bone cancer

Please Pray For: for William Isso, that God would Strengthen him

Please Thank God For: The health of all the other congregations that worship in our facilities

Please Pray For: Tom Sheba who is on a ventilator

Please Pray For: Joe and his struggles with addiction

Please Pray For: Those who struggle with housing needs

Please Thank God For: all those who are out of work

Please Pray For: Will who is involved in addiction and witchcraft