Advent is Here!

Parents plan for it. Churches celebrate it. Stores open their doors early for it. Children look forward to it all year.

Since the very first years of the church, Christians have waited for Jesus to return. The Greek word parousia means “coming” or “arrival.” The New Testament uses the word parousia (coming or arrival) 17 times to describe the second coming of Christ.

Advent candles

Advent happens during the four weeks leading up to Christmas Day and helps us to practice this waiting. W. T. Ellis said,

“It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air.”

Advent can be a simple tradition of counting down to Christmas. But for others, Advent is a shared time of meditation and prayer that celebrates the first arrival of Jesus and his coming again.

Fasting has always been a central aspect of Advent observances. At first, “fasting” meant no food at all during the day, and this was limited in most places to Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Eventually, the fast was redefined as eating one meatless meal per day. In later years our preparation has taken on different practices.

How will you celebrate this year? Some people choose special devotions or extra times of prayer. Advent wreaths that are lit during meals show up in lots of homes. Perhaps a Jesse tree or advent calendar is in order, especially if you have children. A prayer garland might be just the thing to try this year for our prayer partners.

Cut 24 green and red construction paper strips. Write the name of a ministry, family member, or friend on each strip. Staple the strips as connected links in a chain. Beginning December 1, take a strip from the chain and pray several times that day for the name on the strip. You might send them a note or a text telling them you prayed for them.

There is no wrong way to celebrate Advent. Choose a way that works for you as we wait together for the Lord to come. May God bless your Advent celebrations.

Don’t forget to pray for us when you are before the Father, including:

Please Pray:  for Joshua Recker, as he nears the end of his life.

Please Pray:  for the kids in our confirmation program. Pray that they and their families would grow in their faith during this time of preparation.

Please Thank God For: Amanda Garces and her 5th grade students at Sunshine Elementary, as we support their classroom.

Please Pray For: Jack Williams, who has been diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis.

Please Thank God For:  for Kathy, who received the organs she has been waiting for.

Please Pray For: Geri Nay who is losing her struggle with cancer.

Please Pray For:  for Mary, who has developed invasive melanoma. She is waiting for surgery.

Please Pray For:  for Melissa Davis and her two young children, who were recently evicted from their apartment.

Please Pray For: Shilo Sr. on the passing of his stepfather, Moose.

Please Pray For: Carol and Ted Rosie, who are having health issues.

Please Pray For: Ivan, who has had a kidney removed.

Please Pray For: Kathy Duitsman, who has breast cancer.

Please Pray For: those who serve in this place, as they enthusiastically tackle diverse ministries such as the altar guild, food pantry, and serving our local school.

Please Thank God For: Julie, whose cancer has stabilized.

Please Pray For: Joy, who is receiving chemo treatments.

Please Pray For: for William Izzo, that God would strengthen him.

Please Thank God For: The health of all the other congregations that worship in our facilities.

Please Pray For: Joe and his struggles with addiction.

Please Pray For: Those who struggle with housing needs.

Please pray For: all those who are out of work.