Failed Again

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

This is the traditional time of year for us to begin failing at fulfilling our resolutions to change specific areas in our lives. We call them resolutions. Maybe there are some extra pounds to shed. There may be a specific habit or harmful behavior to change. Resolutions range from simple desires to seemingly full-proof plans for extensive life change. We all have in common the hope that something will change and life will be different (and better) in the year ahead. But . . .

…just a few weeks later, and the month of January not yet gone, many of us end up feeling discouraged and a little ashamed over our failed attempts to make those changes come to pass. For some, this is the second, third or 5th year they have tried to “kick the habit.” After so many attempts, why would you try again? And what makes you think that this time you will hit the mark? First, consider a few related questions:

  • What if every spring, the flowers just gave up on blooming? (Did that last year)

  • What if migratory birds decided to stay put on that tropical island? (It’s too far).

  • What if the sun chose to stay behind the clouds all summer long? 

  • What if Christ Jesus had not left glory, come to Earth, suffered, died, and risen from the dead?

I love fragrant flowers, and I’m glad they don’t give up. Sweet singing birds will sure be nice to have back in the neighborhood, and while I often complain about old sol, I would miss the sun if he left for good. As big a deal as all those are, though, Christ not defeating sin and death is terrifying. 

He did come, though. He was born, he died, and he rose again.

Because he did, this year (month, day, or even moment), is filled with hope—in him. No need to white-knuckle it anymore. We are loved and empowered. Whatever your “it” might be, you too can put it into the capable hands of the ultimate Life-Changer.

As we pursue things, we know we need to change; hope for a better future is no longer a dream. We truly can experience freedom. There is no need to wait for New Year to roll around or for the ball to drop in Times Square. In Christ, mercy is new every morning. We can pursue our new beginning right now.

Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash

Before you start over on your resolutions, however— before you restart a reading plan, diet, or try that treadmill again, let us start with 2 Thessalonians 1:11. Paul wrote, “To this end, we always pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling and may fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by his power.”

Who makes our lives worthy of such a calling? God does. Who fulfills our resolves (resolutions) for good and our works of faith? God does. Whose power will be the decisive agent for lasting change in our lives? His power. 

Only God can predict the future. Our resolutions are just another aspect of our devotion to Him. Nobody could have foreseen the last few years we just went through. And yet, here we are, making new resolutions for the coming year, based on our faith that He will keep us.

It’s looking like a better year already.