Joseph Waits

I am not a very patient person. I would rather drive around the block than wait at a red light. Because of this attitude, the discipline of waiting on God has been a regular struggle. One of the Old Testament fathers that have taught me a great deal about waiting is found at the end of the book of Genesis. His name is Joseph.

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Joseph was his father’s favorite son. This, of course, did not sit well with his brothers. God had given him dreams that showed him ruling over his family one day, which furthered his brother’s disdain. Some wanted to kill him, but they staged his death and sold him into slavery in a spirit of compromise. Days became years, and still, Joseph waited for God to rescue him and the visions/dreams to become true. 

Joseph was a fantastic servant of God. Even so, he was regularly thrown under the bus. He continued to work with integrity for those around him, but it didn’t seem to make any difference. Joseph spent the better part of 13 years as a slave and then a prisoner in Egypt.

The prosperity gospel is an increasingly widespread belief that those who love God, think positively, and work hard will always receive material wealth and success from God in response. However, Joseph’s story tells me something different. Even after doing everything right, he still spent years as a slave or prisoner through no fault of his own.

Many Christians today would say that they don’t believe the prosperity gospel for the most part, but not many of us like the idea of suffering for thirteen years. We want to learn whatever lesson there is to learn and then move on to that season of blessing we have heard about, and quick! God never promised this. Those trials and tribulations may go on for far longer than a few days. They may last for a very long time. Ask Joseph about waiting. 

We have endured a tough year. Now that it’s been more than 12 months, I’m hoping we’ve crossed the finish line and are heading back into the daylight. The story of Joseph reminds me that our difficult times, whether personal or national, may not be finished, though. Even if the problems aren’t over, Joseph’s story also reminds me that we will be all right. Just as God never forgot Joseph, He promised to be with you during your hard times

Hopefully, God will reveal to you the reason (or at least part of the reason) behind your suffering. But the truth is, He may not. As a result, we may never understand the work He is doing in our hearts or recognize what He is preparing us for.

There are times when prosperity, blessings, honor, and all kinds of good things come rolling in. During those times, you hear from God, enjoy His presence, and even feel led by the Spirit. Good things seem to chase you down the street. Joy becomes your everyday mood. Are you tired of waiting for a time like that? Are you frustrated, crying out, “How long, oh Lord?” Like Joseph, be patient and wait on God. He rarely uses the same timetable as us.

God’s plan will come to pass at precisely the right time! My main concern is not to figure out when but to make up my mind that I will not give up and I will be faithful in the waiting. Trusting in God brings life. Faith in His purposes provides us rest. Wait, wait on the Lord 

“I am still confident of this; I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.”

Psalm 27:13-14.