God Answers Prayers

Jim Cymbala talks about a two-and-a-half-year-long nightmare he and his wife lived in as their oldest daughter, Chrissy, pulled away from them—and eventually from God as well—beginning at age 16. Finally, Chrissy left their home, and Cymbala talks about how he and his wife were hanging by a thread, leading a large church, starting other churches, but all the while dying on the inside, totally dependent on God’s grace to get them through each day. He shared how the situation so shook his wife that she threatened to leave the ministry and him, even despairing to the point of death at times. She had felt Satan telling her, “you can have your church and influence all the people you want, but I’m going to have all of your children. I’ve got one, and I’m coming for the other two.”

Cymbala recounts how he tried everything to get Chrissy back, but eventually, he stopped all of his efforts, prayed, and let God take care of it. He resolved not even to see his daughter until she was right again. Finally, a few months later, during a prayer meeting at the church, an usher gave Cymbala a note from a woman that read, “Pastor Cymbala, I feel impressed that we should stop the meeting and all pray for your daughter.” He shared with the church the truth about how far gone his daughter was, and they began to pray.

Photo by Samuel Martins on Unsplash

Prayer is an opportunity to talk to and listen to God.

Prayer is an opportunity to talk to and listen to God.

In troubling circumstances, some may sneer at prayer. When tragedy hits, some contend that prayer is a useless response when we could be taking action. In actuality, prayer is a powerful thing. Sure, we may take other steps and do what we can, but we call on our all-powerful God through prayer.

Someone wisely said, “When your knees are knocking, kneel on them.” That’s good advice. Yet during trials, we might worry, Will God answer my prayer? Is this going to work?

Acts 12:5 tells us, “Peter was therefore kept in prison, but constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church.” The phrase “constant prayer” could be translated, “earnest prayer or stretched outwardly.”

Have you ever dropped your car keys in that little spot between the seat and the center console? They are just beyond your reach, and you strain to try and get them. This “straining to reach” is the idea here. They stretched out, reached for God’s ear even through some stress or pain. They put everything into it.

God answered the church’s prayer in a big way. He completely reversed the situation. Acts 12 opens with James dead, Peter in prison, and Herod triumphing. It closes with Herod dead, Peter free, and the Word of God triumphing. You see, it is not over until it’s over.

So what situation are you facing? Is it a personal crisis? Do you have a loved one who isn’t a believer? Are you facing an urgent financial need? Now is not the time to give up. As the early church recognized, this was the time to double down.

Photo by Carlos Magno on Unsplash

What will you say the next time you pray?

What will you say the next time you pray?

The psalmist said, “From the end of the earth I will cry to You When my heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I” (Psalm 61:2).

God answered Jim Cymbala’s Prayer. His daughter returned to the family and God the next day. He will answer your prayer also.

Can I pray with you for something? Let me know. I would love to. Have you received any answers from God? I would love to hear about those too. Thank you for your prayers!